Road Map(2013-14)

1.      Basic introductory workshop to be organized for 1st and 2nd year students in October.
2.      Robotron v4.0 to be organized by the club during Panache 6 in the month of October.
3.      Those students who has already given money for Robosapien’s  workshop can freely attend the basic workshop and other students will be charged 450 for the Robotics  kit.
4.  As per the performance in basic workshop 10 teams(5 from VIT and 5  from VIT-EAST) will be finalized for advanced robotics workshop & competitions.
5.  Each team will be heterogeneous means team members will be from 2nd year and 3rd year as well as from different stream eg EC,MECH ,EE.
6.  These teams will be prepared for various on campus as well as off campus competitions. Project expenditure’s 75% will be financed by the club and rest by the team.
7.  Workshop is going to be Organize for the 3rd yr student on Android Automation Techniques on Vivekananda Jayanti.

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