
1) Dushyant Dubey, Aditya Sharma , Aadhunika Sharma , Diksha Kakra Participated  in  VIT Roborace  in Robotron v3.0.

2) Ankit Choudhary , Lokesh sharma,               

      Jayprakash meena Participated in JNU
       RoboRace in “TechnoRazz”,Sept 2012.


3)Dushyant Dubey , Deepak Kumar, Ayushi Badaya ,Aadhunika Sharma,Aditya Sharma Participated in SKIT  RoboMarathan in PRAVAH8 ,March2013.

4)Ankit choudhary , Jayprakash Meena ,
      Lokesh Sharma Participated in GIT                   
      RoboJump in Jigyasa, March,2012.

5)Basic Robotics & Introduction of autonomous robotics in VIT CAMPUS.

6)Workshop organize by CNIR

7)Robotron v3.0 is organized in panache 5

8)Workshop is to be organizd by Techfeast 2013- IIt Bombay in associated with Robosapian Technology Pvt . LTD. 8-9th Sept 2012.

9)Robotron v4.0 is organized in panache 6

10) STEM project organized in colabration with Danik bhaskar and CNIR

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